Auto Enable Spring-Boot Core/Base Project without ComponentScan: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Auto Enable Spring-Boot Core/Base Project without ComponentScan: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of adding endless annotations to your Spring-Boot project, only to find out that it’s still not working as expected? Do you want to simplify your project configuration and focus on writing actual code? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to auto-enable a Spring-Boot Core/Base project without using the infamous `@ComponentScan` annotation.

What is `@ComponentScan` and Why Do We Need It?

`@ComponentScan` is a Spring-Boot annotation that enables component scanning in a Spring-based application. It’s used to automatically detect and register Spring components, such as `@Service`, `@Repository`, and `@Controller` classes, without the need for explicit configuration. However, in some cases, this annotation can lead to unnecessary complexity and confusion, especially in larger projects.

The Problem with `@ComponentScan`

When using `@ComponentScan`, you need to carefully specify the base package(s) to scan, which can be error-prone and lead to unexpected behavior. Additionally, this annotation can also lead to:

  • Over-scanning: Scanning unnecessary packages and classes, resulting in performance issues.
  • Under-scanning: Missing essential components, leading to application failures.
  • Package conflicts: When multiple components have the same name, causing ambiguity and errors.

Auto-Enabling Spring-Boot Core/Base Project without `@ComponentScan`

Fortunately, there’s a better way to configure your Spring-Boot project without relying on `@ComponentScan`. By utilizing Spring-Boot’s built-in features and a little creativity, we can auto-enable our Core/Base project with ease.

Step 1: Create a Spring-Boot Project

Start by creating a new Spring-Boot project using your preferred method (e.g., Spring Initializr, IntelliJ IDEA, or Maven). Choose the “Web” and “Core” dependencies to create a basic project structure.


Step 2: Define the Project Structure

Organize your project structure to follow the conventional Spring-Boot layout:

Directory Description
com.example.myproject Root package for the application
com.example.myproject.config Configuration classes (e.g., Spring Config, Security Config)
com.example.myproject.controller Controller classes (e.g., REST, Web Controllers)
com.example.myproject.service Service classes (e.g., Business Logic, Data Access)
com.example.myproject.repository Repository classes (e.g., Data Access, Database Interactions)

Step 3: Create a Spring-Boot Application Configuration Class

Create a new class, `MyProjectApplicationConfig`, in the `com.example.myproject.config` package:

package com.example.myproject.config;

public class MyProjectApplicationConfig {
  public MyProjectConfig myProjectConfig() {
    return new MyProjectConfig();

This class will serve as the central configuration point for our application.

Step 4: Define the Core/Base Project Configuration

Create a new class, `MyProjectConfig`, in the same package:

package com.example.myproject.config;

public class MyProjectConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
  private MyProjectApplicationConfig myProjectApplicationConfig;
  public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry) {

This class extends `WebMvcConfigurerAdapter` to enable Web MVC configuration. We’ll use this class to define our Core/Base project configuration.

Step 5: Enable the Core/Base Project

Update the `MyProjectApplicationConfig` class to enable the Core/Base project:

package com.example.myproject.config;

public class MyProjectApplicationConfig {
  public MyProjectConfig myProjectConfig() {
    return new MyProjectConfig();
  public WebMvcConfigurerAdapter webMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
    return new MyProjectConfig();

We’ve enabled Web MVC and registered our `MyProjectConfig` class as a `WebMvcConfigurerAdapter` bean.

Step 6: Use the Configured Beans

Now, you can use the configured beans in your application. For example, create a new controller, `MyController`, in the `com.example.myproject.controller` package:

package com.example.myproject.controller;

public class MyController {
  private MyService myService;
  public String hello() {
    return myService.getHelloMessage();

In this example, we’ve autowired the `MyService` bean, which is a part of the Core/Base project configuration.

Benefits of Auto-Enabling Spring-Boot Core/Base Project without `@ComponentScan`

By following these steps, you’ve successfully auto-enabled your Spring-Boot Core/Base project without relying on `@ComponentScan`. This approach offers several benefits:

  • Simplified Configuration**: You’ve eliminated the need for manual component scanning, reducing configuration complexity.
  • Improved Performance**: By avoiding unnecessary component scanning, you’ve optimized your application’s performance.
  • Better Organization**: Your project structure is now more organized, with clear boundaries between configuration, controllers, services, and repositories.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to auto-enable a Spring-Boot Core/Base project without using the `@ComponentScan` annotation. By following these steps, you can simplify your project configuration, improve performance, and maintain a clean, organized project structure. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility – use this knowledge wisely!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Spring Boot and learn how to auto-enable a Spring Boot core/base project without component scanning!

What is the purpose of component scanning in Spring Boot?

Component scanning is a mechanism in Spring Boot that allows the framework to automatically detect and register beans defined in the application. It’s a convenient way to enable auto-configuration and wire up dependencies, making development easier and faster. However, in some cases, you might want to disable component scanning and take a more manual approach to configuring your application.

How do I auto-enable a Spring Boot core/base project without component scanning?

To auto-enable a Spring Boot core/base project without component scanning, you can use the `@SpringBootApplication` annotation with the `scanBasePackages` attribute set to an empty string. This tells Spring Boot to disable component scanning and only consider the packages explicitly specified in the annotation.

What are the implications of disabling component scanning in a Spring Boot project?

Disabling component scanning means that you’ll need to manually configure and register beans in your application. This can be more time-consuming and error-prone, but it gives you full control over the configuration and wiring of your application. It’s essential to carefully evaluate the trade-offs and consider whether disabling component scanning is necessary for your specific use case.

Can I mix and match auto-configuration and manual configuration in a Spring Boot project?

Yes, you can definitely mix and match auto-configuration and manual configuration in a Spring Boot project! In fact, this is a common approach, where you let Spring Boot auto-configure some aspects of your application, while manually configuring others. This hybrid approach allows you to take advantage of the benefits of auto-configuration while still maintaining control over specific parts of your application.

What are some best practices to keep in mind when configuring a Spring Boot project without component scanning?

When configuring a Spring Boot project without component scanning, it’s essential to follow best practices such as keeping your configuration organized, using clear and concise naming conventions, and avoiding duplicated configurations. Additionally, make sure to carefully evaluate the dependencies and wiring of your beans to ensure that your application is properly configured and functional.