Downloading more than one .xlsm files as ZIP is corrupted: The Ultimate Solution
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Downloading more than one .xlsm files as ZIP is corrupted: The Ultimate Solution

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Are you tired of downloading multiple .xlsm files only to find that the ZIP file is corrupted and unusable? You’re not alone! This is a common issue that many users face, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll take you through the reasons behind this problem and provide you with step-by-step solutions to overcome it.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand why this problem occurs in the first place.

  • Lack of Compression: When you try to download multiple .xlsm files as a ZIP, the server may not compress the files properly, leading to corruption.
  • File Size Limitation: Some servers have file size limitations, which can cause the ZIP file to become corrupted when trying to download multiple large files.
  • Server Configuration Issues: Misconfigured servers or plugins can cause issues with downloading multiple files as a ZIP, resulting in corruption.

Solution 1: Using a Third-Party Download Manager

Using a third-party download manager can help you download multiple .xlsm files as a ZIP without corruption. Here’s how:

  1. Download and install a download manager like Free Download Manager or Internet Download Manager.
  2. Configure the download manager to download the .xlsm files as a ZIP.
  3. Set the download manager to use multiple connections to speed up the download process.
  4. Start the download, and the manager will handle the rest.
  Note: Make sure to configure the download manager to use a reasonable number of connections to avoid overwhelming the server.

Solution 2: Using ZIP Archive Software

If you don’t want to use a download manager, you can use ZIP archive software to download and compress the files manually.

  1. Download and install ZIP archive software like WinRAR or 7-Zip.
  2. Create a new ZIP archive using the software.
  3. Right-click on each .xlsm file and select “Add to archive” or “Compress” to add it to the ZIP file.
  4. Configure the software to use a suitable compression algorithm and set a reasonable compression level.
  5. Save the ZIP file and download it to your local machine.
  Tip: Use the "Store" compression method to preserve the original file structure and avoid corruption.

Solution 3: Using Cloud-Based File Hosting Services

Cloud-based file hosting services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive can help you download multiple .xlsm files as a ZIP without corruption.

Service Compression Method File Size Limitation
Google Drive ZIP 750 MB
Dropbox ZIP 2 GB
OneDrive ZIP 100 GB
  Note: The file size limitations mentioned above are subject to change, so please check the service's documentation for the latest information.

Here’s how to use cloud-based file hosting services:

  1. Upload the .xlsm files to your chosen cloud-based file hosting service.
  2. Select all the files and right-click to download them as a ZIP file.
  3. Configure the service to use a suitable compression algorithm and set a reasonable compression level.
  4. Download the ZIP file to your local machine.

Solution 4: Using a Script to Download and Compress Files

If you’re comfortable with scripting, you can use a script to download and compress the .xlsm files as a ZIP.


  # Set the download URL and file names
  files=("file1.xlsm" "file2.xlsm" "file3.xlsm")

  # Create a ZIP file
  zip -r "" "${files[@]}"

  # Download the files using curl
  for file in "${files[@]}"; do
    curl -o "$file" "$url$file"

  # Add the files to the ZIP file
  zip "" "*.xlsm"

This script uses the `curl` command to download the files and the `zip` command to compress them into a ZIP file. You can modify the script to suit your needs and download the files.


Downloading multiple .xlsm files as a ZIP can be a daunting task, but with the solutions provided in this article, you should be able to overcome the corruption issue. Whether you choose to use a third-party download manager, ZIP archive software, cloud-based file hosting services, or a script, you’ll be able to download and compress your files without any issues.

Remember to always configure the download method to use a suitable compression algorithm and set a reasonable compression level to ensure that the ZIP file is not corrupted during download.

  Happy downloading!

Here is the output:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble downloading multiple .xlsm files as a ZIP archive? We’ve got you covered!

Why does my ZIP file become corrupted when I download multiple .xlsm files?

This issue often occurs when the server’s file compression algorithm is not compatible with the .xlsm file format. To avoid this, try using a different compression tool or adjusting the server settings to ensure compatibility.

Can I download individual .xlsm files instead of a ZIP archive?

Yes, you can! Simply select the individual files you need and download them one by one. This approach will prevent any compression issues and ensure that your files remain intact.

Will converting my .xlsm files to .xlsx resolve the issue?

It’s worth a try! .xlsx files are often more compatible with compression algorithms. If you don’t need the macro-enabled features of .xlsm, converting to .xlsx might resolve the corruption issue. However, if you do need the macro features, explore other solutions.

Can I use a third-party file compression tool to download my .xlsm files?

Yes, you can! Utilizing a reputable third-party file compression tool, such as 7-Zip or WinRAR, might help resolve the corruption issue. These tools often provide more flexible compression options and better compatibility with various file formats.

What if I’m still experiencing issues after trying the above solutions?

If none of the above solutions work, it’s possible that the issue lies with the server-side settings or the file contents themselves. Reach out to the server administrator or the file creators to troubleshoot the issue further or explore alternative solutions.

Let me know if this meets your requirements!

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