Unlocking the Power of Xandra: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Elixir’s Xandra Package in Gleam
Image by Lolly - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Xandra: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Elixir’s Xandra Package in Gleam

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Are you tired of dealing with tedious and error-prone data processing tasks in your Gleam projects? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Xandra, an Elixir package that simplifies data processing and helps you achieve blazing-fast performance. We’ll explore how to use Xandra in Gleam, covering the basics, advanced techniques, and everything in between. Buckle up, because we’re about to take your data processing skills to the next level!

What is Xandra?

Xandra is an Elixir package that provides a high-level, functional programming interface for data processing. It’s built on top of the Apache Arrow project, which enables lightning-fast data processing and efficient memory use. With Xandra, you can easily manipulate and transform data without worrying about the underlying complexities.

Why Use Xandra in Gleam?

So, why choose Xandra over other data processing libraries? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Faster Performance**: Xandra leverages Apache Arrow’s optimized data processing capabilities, making it significantly faster than traditional Elixir data processing methods.
  • Efficient Memory Use**: Xandra’s columnar storage and compression algorithms reduce memory usage, allowing you to process large datasets with ease.
  • Functional Programming**: Xandra’s functional programming interface makes it easy to write concise, composable, and reusable code.

Installing Xandra in Gleam

Before we dive into the good stuff, let’s get Xandra installed in your Gleam project. Add the following dependency to your `gleam.toml` file:

xandra = "0.4.0"

Then, run `gleam deps` to fetch and install the Xandra package.

Basic Xandra Operations in Gleam

Now that Xandra is installed, let’s explore some basic operations using the `Xandra` module.

Creating a Xandra Table

First, we’ll create a simple Xandra table using the `Xandra.Table` constructor:

let table = Xandra.Table.new([
  {"id", Xandra.DataType.Int32},
  {"name", Xandra.DataType.String},
  {"age", Xandra.DataType.Int32}

This code creates a Xandra table with three columns: `id`, `name`, and `age`, each with their respective data types.

Inserting Data into a Xandra Table

Next, let’s insert some data into our table using the `Xandra.Table.insert/2` function:

let inserted = Xandra.Table.insert(table, [
  %{id: 1, name: "Alice", age: 25},
  %{id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 30},
  %{id: 3, name: "Charlie", age: 35}

This code inserts three rows into our Xandra table.

Querying a Xandra Table

Now, let’s query our Xandra table using the `Xandra.Table.query/2` function:

let result = Xandra.Table.query(table, "SELECT * FROM table WHERE age > 30")

This code queries our Xandra table, selecting all rows where the `age` column is greater than 30.

Advanced Xandra Techniques in Gleam

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some advanced Xandra techniques in Gleam.

Using Xandra with Gleam’s async/await

Xandra operations can be executed asynchronously using Gleam’s `async/await` syntax. Let’s create an asynchronous Xandra query:

let query_async = async(
  Xandra.Table.query_async(table, "SELECT * FROM table WHERE age > 30")
    |> await
    |> Xandra.Result.to_records

This code creates an asynchronous Xandra query that retrieves all rows where the `age` column is greater than 30. The `await` keyword is used to wait for the query to complete, and the `Xandra.Result.to_records` function is used to convert the result to a list of records.

Joining Xandra Tables

Xandra supports joining tables using the `Xandra.Table.join/3` function. Let’s create two Xandra tables and join them:

let table1 = Xandra.Table.new([
  {"id", Xandra.DataType.Int32},
  {"name", Xandra.DataType.String}

let table2 = Xandra.Table.new([
  {"id", Xandra.DataType.Int32},
  {"department", Xandra.DataType.String}

let joined_table = Xandra.Table.join(table1, table2, "id", "id")

let result = Xandra.Table.query(joined_table, "SELECT * FROM joined_table")

This code creates two Xandra tables, `table1` and `table2`, and joins them on the `id` column using the `Xandra.Table.join/3` function. The resulting joined table is then queried using the `Xandra.Table.query/2` function.

Optimizing Xandra Performance in Gleam

To get the most out of Xandra in your Gleam projects, follow these optimization tips:

Optimization Tip Description
Use Columnar Storage Xandra’s columnar storage reduces memory usage and improves performance. Use the `Xandra.Table.columnar/1` function to enable columnar storage.
Compress Data Xandra supports data compression using the `Xandra.Table.compress/2` function. Compressing data reduces memory usage and improves performance.
Avoid Row-by-Row Processing Row-by-row processing can be slow and inefficient. Use Xandra’s batch processing capabilities to process large datasets efficiently.

By following these optimization tips, you can unlock the full potential of Xandra in your Gleam projects.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics and advanced techniques of using Xandra in Gleam. From creating and manipulating Xandra tables to joining and optimizing performance, we’ve explored the power of Xandra in depth. With Xandra, you can simplify your data processing tasks, reduce memory usage, and achieve blazing-fast performance. Start incorporating Xandra into your Gleam projects today and take your data processing skills to the next level!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Gleam is an upcoming language and Xandra is a database driver for Gleam, which is built on top of Elixir. Using Xandra in Gleam can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to get you started.

What is the correct way to add Xandra as a dependency in my Gleam project?

To add Xandra as a dependency in your Gleam project, you need to add it to your `gleam.toml` file. Simply add the following line to your `[dependencies]` section: `xandra = “0.4.0”`. Then, run `gleam deps` to fetch the dependency.

How do I connect to my Cassandra database using Xandra in Gleam?

To connect to your Cassandra database using Xandra in Gleam, you need to create a new instance of the `Xandra.Cluster` module. You can do this by calling `Xandra.Cluster.new([“localhost:9042”])`, replacing `”localhost:9042″` with the contact points of your Cassandra cluster. Then, you can use the `Xandra.Cluster.connect/1` function to establish a connection to the cluster.

How do I execute a query using Xandra in Gleam?

To execute a query using Xandra in Gleam, you need to use the `Xandra.Cluster.execute/2` function, which takes a query and a list of parameters as arguments. For example, you can execute a simple SELECT query like this: `Xandra.Cluster.execute(cluster, “SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = ?”, [id])`. This will return a `Xandra.Result` object, which you can use to access the query results.

How do I handle errors when using Xandra in Gleam?

When using Xandra in Gleam, errors can occur due to various reasons such as connection issues or invalid queries. To handle errors, you can use the `try`-`catch` mechanism provided by Gleam. Simply wrap your Xandra code in a `try` block and catch any exceptions that may be raised. You can also use the `Xandra.Error` module to extract information about the error.

Are there any best practices for using Xandra in Gleam?

Yes, there are several best practices to keep in mind when using Xandra in Gleam. For example, it’s a good idea to use connection pooling to improve performance and reduce the overhead of creating new connections. You should also use prepared statements to prevent SQL injection attacks and improve query performance. Additionally, make sure to handle errors properly and log any issues that may occur.